Friday, May 25, 2012

The Fireplaces

The main floor fireplace near completion-two floor samples next to it-insulation also next to it!
The mantle is very lovely-burled wood, but it is kind of camouflaged!

A long shot of the fireplace with the stained glass window-different lighting!

The master bedroom corner fireplace, just needs the mantle put on and the cover plate for the gas insert

So it seems as if things have come to a halt but they haven't!  The insulators just finished insulating 
and have had the my plumber there finishing the plumbing that should have been done with
the rough in. Have been getting dry wall bids and moving stuff out of storage. We had
the inspector come through and he wanted us to do more insulation which the insulation guy said,
he has been in the business for 35 years and never seen that request!  Makes you wonder!

Lloyd is going to come and put the cedar wood from the old cabin up in our master bedroom walls.
We had to have the cement guy come and jack hammer out 7" of concrete to find the box for the drain of the bathtub before the plumber could put the p-trap on!  Just lots of little things to think of before the drywall is put on.  Am getting bids for other things and also we are still waiting for the windows to be corrected before we can have the siding put on.  Hopefully they will be put on this week or next week but I just don't hold my breath any more because it has taken months for them to decide to get the replacement windows!!!